O zi obisnuita… da, cam asa a fost ziua de vineri, desi mi-am luat concediu πŸ˜€ De fapt imi luasem liber ca sa rezolv niste chestii tot financiare, am depus niste declaratii pe la finante. Stiam ca e ultima zi de depuneri si va fi nebunia de pe lume, stiu, am zis ca nu mai las pe ultima zi niciodata, dar nu facem noi asta mereu?

Asadar, m-am imbracat cel mai comod posibil… in primul rand a trebuit sa stau in picioare cam o ora si ceva, deci am incaltat cele mai comode ghete, recent achizitionate de la Zara. In continuare, noua mea pereche de pantaloni preferati, Stradivarius, bineinteles din outletul Kurtmann, o adevarata sursa de inspiratie. Imi plac pentru ca sunt foarte comozi, ador culoarea, croiala si materialul, tin cald si sunt foarte catifelati la atingere πŸ™‚ Am ales o bluza mustar, margelute verzi Moa, esarfa Stradivarius si blazer Camaieu πŸ™‚

Ah, era sa uit, geanta New Yorker… eei geanta, e a surorii mele, cred ca inca mai e :D. A lasat-o acum vreo 2 luni pe la mine si abia ce-am descoperit-o intr-un dulap. A uitat si sora mea de ea, dar mi s-a parut ca se potriveste asa de bine cu toamna, ca n-am putut s-o las acolo πŸ˜€

Am sa va las in compania fotografiilor, dar intai sa va explic care e treaba cu primele. Dupa ce-am terminat cu treaba, am pornit intr-o plimbare si am ajuns in zona Palat foarte repede, unde am descoperit multa zumzaiala. Ocazia? Prima editie a Festivalului International de Literatura si Traducere Iasi. Am intrat putin in cortul amenajat pentru diverse evenimente si am facut cateva fotografii tablourilor expuse. Foarte interesant de altfel, urmau niste filme din ce am observat, expozitie de carti (e bine ca lumea inca mai e preocupata de carti), plin de lume, majoritatea copii… dupa asta mi-am vazut de drum.


An ordinary day … yeah, so it was my Friday, although I took my day off. Actually I had to handle some financial stuff. I knew it was the last day for submissions and will be the madness in the world there, so I dressed the most convenient possible. Because I had to stand up for an hour or so, I choose to wear my comfy boots I recently bought from Zara. Next, my new favorite pair of pants, Stradivarius course from Kurtmann Outlet, a true place full of treasures. I like them because they are very comfortable, I love the color, cut and fabric, keep warm and very velvety to the touch πŸ™‚ I chose a mustard blouse, green beads from Moa, Stradivarius scarf and blazer Camaieu πŸ™‚

Oh, almost forgot, the New Yorker bag… it’s my sister’s, I think still is :D. She left it about 2 months ago to me and I just found it in a closet. It fits so well with autumn, as I couldn’t leave it there πŸ˜€

I’ll let you enjoy the photos, but first, let me explain what’s in the first four. After I have finished my work, I went on a walk and came to the Palace of Culture very quickly, where I found a jam situation. The occasion? The first edition of the International Festival of Literature and Translation Iasi. I got some pictures of paintings exhibited. Very interesting actually, exhibition of books ( it’s good that the world is still concerned with books) and some movies, full of people, mostly children… after this I went on.

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La final puteti admira apusul zilei de vineri din balconul meu, imi place cum apune soarele exact in fata mea, e deosebit in fiecare seara πŸ™‚

Nu uitati de pagina mea de facebook Un strop de culoare sau de Pinterest pentru cei interesati, veti gasi acolo ce mi se pare mie dragut zi de zi πŸ™‚ Va doresc o saptamana usoara!


Last picture is the sunset of that day from my balcony, beautifully every night πŸ™‚

Do not forget about my facebook page Un strop de culoare or Pinterest, for those interested of my daily pins πŸ™‚ I wish you all a lovely week!



34 Comments on Ordinary day

    • Merci Ana, nici eu nu stiam, am ajuns intamplator… apoi am luat-o pe Stefan si era un fel de targ de chestii homemade… multe prajituri de toate felurile… abia m-am abtinut sa nu dau iama in ele :))

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